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Note about prices: I hate raising prices, but like with everything, my costs have risen so much! At least you know you are supporting me, not a corporation! 

At the nursery, we include tax unless you pay with a credit card, then there is also a 3% charge added. So bring cash or checks! At the Farmers' Market, tax is added on top of all prices,  unless you use EBT for edibles, then the tax is waived.  These prices are subject to change-sometimes plants are smaller so we charge less. Sometimes we get giant plants in and charge more.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you sell? Hours?

The nursery in Pinehurst is open Sunday-Wednesday, 1-6pm from May 1 until mid to late June, or by appointment.   We are located on the south end of town, 1.4 miles from I-90 (exit 45). It's 43 Nelson Lane.

We also sell at the Kootenai Farmers Market at Highway 95 & Prairie in Hayden, which opens May 11 (9 am to 1:30 pm)  


​Are your plants organic? GMO?

Mostly natural, but not certified. To be Certified Organic we would need to use special potting soil and fertilizers, register with the State, pay a hefty fee, and report everything we do. We prefer to use the most natural methods we can.  We use natural fertilizers on edible plants, and do not use toxic insecticides or fungicides.  We try to work with nature and with the season as much as possible.   And we do not have any GMO varieties. See article below for a discussion of the difference between Hybrids and GMOs.  


What is the best fertilizer for my plants?

Healthy soil is full of life, not just nutrients but fungi, bacteria and all sorts of micro organisms that are part of the natural system.  The happier the soil biome is, the happier your plants are. Chemicals like Miracle Grow are perfect for hanging baskets and containers, but really don't belong in the soil.  


On my farm I use fish meal, bone meal and sometimes kelp, along with compost and manure to feed the soil when I plant, and sometimes use fish emulsion mid season if needed, as my soil is basically sand.  You can use boxed organic fertilizer blends  that are now widely available at big box stores, Fred Meyer, North 40 and Cenex.  If they say "organic", then they are based on natural ingredients. Tomato food is nice, because of added calcium, but all purpose ones with a high middle number (phosphorous) are good for veggies and flowers that are grown for thier flowers or fruit.  Leaf crops like lettuce prefer more nitrogen. You can add extra Blood Meal or Fish Meal to soil for leaf crops.  Manure, compost and worm castings are also wonderful additions. Trace minerals "hitch hike" with the other fertilizers, but compost and green manures are also good sources.


A lot of people say "I use compost, isn't that enough?" I think we need more in the soil, especially after years of heavy cropping.  Compost is a terrific way to introduce humus and microorganisms into your soil, but not all compost contains sufficient nitrogen and phosphorous.   There are many garden systems: till, no-till, etc.  Some research on building good soil is worth the time.  There are lots of articles and sites on the web. This site has a pretty good discussion about fertilizing:

and this one has a great discussion about the soil food web:   (highlight, copy and paste into your browser)  



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